Early reading educational complex
Оver 1,000 engaging and captivating games, puzzles, and assignments for early reading
Accompanied by funny characters, your child will go step by step through all the stages of learning to read; from developing a familiarity with syllables to confident reading of words and sentences.
Numerous clever hints throughout the game will help even the youngest children learn letters, and then to read and write correctly all by themselves.
With this app, learning turns into a fascinating journey through a series of enchanted islands divided into levels by topics.
  • “Letters” islands. Children will get acquainted with letters and their corresponding sounds. Bright soap bubbles, magic paint, educational puzzles, jolly games of tag and hide and seek will help your child effortlessly to learn letters and how to write them.
  • “Phonics” islands. Your child will learn how to make syllables and simple words from mischievously animated letters. They will master how to read and write them. The auditory method of teaching facilitates recognition and memorisation of a repeating combinations of letters. Launch colorful fireworks, wash paint off mischievous letters, choose a crew for space travel from the letter-astronauts -these fascinating mini-games will captivate any child!
  • “Words” islands. A child will learn to create words from letters and read them. The original construction set, in which animated letters are combining in different words by themselves will help to remember the name and sound of all letters as well as master the reading of first words.

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